Get to know the Diamond Butte Ranch Crew
where it all started
Welcome visitor! We’re so glad you stopped in to learn a little bit about us and our story here on the ranch! It’s important to us to have a relationship with the consumers of our beef.
We want you to know where and how your beef was raised, and all the hard work, love, and dedication we put into our livelihood, AKA our cattle!
We are a family owned and family run facility that has grown over the last 15 years. The owners of the ranch, Mike and Mary Skaggs, bought the Diamond Butte and Flying W allotments back in 2004. Which is located 6 miles outside of Young, in Northeastern Arizona. Clay Wills became the ranch manger in 2007. He then moved his wife, Amy Wills, and his three kids out to the ranch head quarters and from then on we have been moving forward, growing our ranch, and getting closer and closer as a big family.
We’ve got some exciting plans in the future that are coming together, and selling our quality steers is one of them! We hope to keep moving forward in these plans for our ranch’s future.
Who your talking to…
Meet Kole and Elisabeth Wills
My name is Elisabeth Wills. I’m the website designer, social manager, ranch secretary, and part time ranch hand for the Diamond Butte Ranch. My Husband, Kole Wills, has worked for the Ranch for over ten years with his Dad (Clay) and Brother. We have lived here since we were kids, growing up, learning to take care of the range. We have been married for almost 4 years and are currently living on the ranch working full time. As a Family we are moving to build this ranch up as a place for fellowship and growth, for people to come, eat some beef and enjoy the Lords creation!
Pictured above, Elisabeth on Charger, Kole on Preacher, and the faithful side kick Jase the Catajack.